Păstrați lucrurile bune la Consiliul Concurenței!

http://www.contributors.ro/administratie/pastrați-lucrurile-bune-la-consiliul-concurenței/ Consiliul Concurenței este una dintre cele mai importante autorități publice din România, chiar cea mai importantă pentru mediul economic și pentru consumatori. Apariția acestei autorități a reprezentat o condiție pentru declanșarea negocierilor de aderare la Uniuninea Europeană, în 1997, iar normele legale pe care aceasta...


Nominations for the 2020 Antitrust Writing Awards are now open.

Nominations for the 2020 Antitrust Writing Awards are now open.   The present Call for Nominations concerns 3 types of publications: Best Articles: Articles published or accepted for publication in 2019, in both academic journals and professional magazines.Best Soft Laws: Most innovative non-enforcement tools issued by competition agencies...


Is the road to hell paved with good intentions? Germany proposes a separate body for enforcing the competition rules in EU

The recent proposal by the highly influential German minister of finances Wolfgang Schauble to transfer the powers to enforce the competition rules embodied in the EU treaties from the European Commission to a separate body look fine, but just at the first sight.It is a challenging...