ICCJ impută Consiliului Concurenței depășirile termenului de prescripție, în cauza Whiteland

După ce pe data de 20 mai 2021 Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție a dezbătut recursul Consiliului Concurenței în cauza Whiteland Import-Export - dosar 3251/2/2015 - prin decizia nr. 3853/24.06.2021 aceasta a admis recursul și a casat hotărârea Curții de Apel București prin care...


“I am in love with competition” – Margrethe Vestager during the hearings in the European Parliament for EU Competition Commissioner

INTERVIEW-NEW EU ANTITRUST HEAD NOT SWAYED BY ANTI-AMERICANISM, BULLIES 23-Sep-2014 20:16By Foo Yun Chee and Alastair MacdonaldBRUSSELS, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Margrethe Vestager says that neither "loud people" in business and government nor "anti-Americanism" will sway her rulings on antitrust cases when she becomes the European...


Recommended lecture of the month – July 2013 – “L’Europe par les juges” (Europe by the judges) of Robert Lecourt, former President of the European Court of Justice

L'Europe par les juges - Nonfiction.fr le portail des livres et des idéesThis is an instrumental book regarding the key role that the European Court of Justice had in the creation of what is today the European Union.  Without the judges from Luxembourg and without...