Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Economies: Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico…
Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Economies: Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico...
Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Economies: Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico...
In ultima vreme Consiliului Concurentei a fost implicat intr-un numar destul de mare de angajamente, procedura prin care intreprinderile isi asuma obligatia de a isi schimba comportamentul pe piata iar Consiliul Concurentei nu mai duce pana la capat investigatia, care poate rezulta - sau nu...
The recent proposal by the highly influential German minister of finances Wolfgang Schauble to transfer the powers to enforce the competition rules embodied in the EU treaties from the European Commission to a separate body look fine, but just at the first sight.It is a challenging...
At the end of 2014 the Romanian Competition Council sanctioned Metro, Selgros, Mega Image (Delhaize) and almost two dozens of their suppliers (Danone and Pepsi, among them) for agreeing that promotions supported and organized in cooperation, under the condition of exclusivity, were deemed to constitute...
With this post, State of Competition Blog inaugurates a new section, dedicated to Guest Contributions, as I wish to make this blog a larger arena for ideas and debates of current interest in the vast and agitated world of the competition. There is competition within the...
UPDATE: where is the harm? Even competitors who complain about its behavior are thriving because of Google, inter alia, and their tears are very likely to be crocodile tears (see Expedia, for instance) - http://googleblog.blogspot.mxBy pressing long-announced accusations on Google for an alleged abuse of dominant...
...Dar exista dreptul la viata si dreptul la sanatate ale tuturor: fumatori sau nefumatori. Am decis sa scriu acest material dupa ce am auzit, repetat de mai multe ori, de catre reprezentantii si sustinatorii industriei tutunului, ca fumatorii ar fi titularii unui adevarat drept. Acesta...
Articol publicat pe - la data de 22 martie 2015.As fi vrut sa incep acest material cu fraza "ca la noi la nimeni" dar aceasta a devenit atat de utilizata incat am inceput sa ne obisnuim (sa ne resemnam) cu ea. Desi in acest...
Everybody - well, almost everybody - in the world today seems to enjoy the lower prices for oil. After a long winter, spring seems to finally come to our land and into our homes (OK, also in our cars). But is it really spring and, if...
Clasamentul Global Competitiveness Report pentru 2014-2015, realizat de catre Global Economic Forum plaseaza Romania pe o pozitie buna - cea mai buna de pana acum: locul 59 din 144 de state analizate, ceea ce implica apartenenta Romaniei la un grup de state din care mai...