Consiliul Concurentei incepe testul de piata pentru angajamentele cu privire la tarifele de terminare a apelurilor

Consiliul Concurentei a lansat ieri, 13 august 2013, in dezbatere publica testul de piata in ceea ce priveste angajamentele propuse de operatorii de telefonie mobila din Romania - Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote si RCS&RDS (Digi Mobile) - in cadrul investigatiei incepute de Consiliul Concurentei in 2011 privind...


The Romanian Competition Council starts a market test in respect of commitments regarding the mobile termination rates

The Romanian Competition Council (RCC) launched today, 13 August 2013, the market test of the commitments proposed by the Romanian mobile network operators - Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote (part of the Deutsche Telekom Group) and RCS&RDS (Digi Mobile) - in the investigation started by RCC in 2011...


Italy: Vodafone launches billion-Euro dominance abuse case against Telecom Italia – Competition Policy International (CPI)

This is an interesting situation - the first case in Europe (as far as I know) when a big telecom company brings a follow-on legal action against another big telecom company, which was found to have abused its market position.  The case is interesting also...


The Romanian Competition Council opened an investigation regarding a possible cartel in the Romanian market for dairy products

Yesterday and today, 18 July 2013, simultaneous dawn raids of the Romanian Competition Council took place at the headquarters of several dairy producers.  The Romanian Competition Council opened recently an investigation regarding a possible cartel among dairy producers which are members of the Association of...


Consiliul Concurentei a deschis o investigatie privind un posibil cartel pe piata laptelui din Romania

Ieri si astazi, 18 iulie 2013, au avut loc inspectii inopinate simultane ale Consiliului Concurentei la sediile mai multor producatori de produse lactate.  Consiliul Concurentei a deschis recent o investigatie cu privire la existenta unei posibile intelegeri anticoncurentiale de tip cartel (acord intre concurenti in...


Recommended lecture of the month – July 2013 – “L’Europe par les juges” (Europe by the judges) of Robert Lecourt, former President of the European Court of Justice

L'Europe par les juges - le portail des livres et des idéesThis is an instrumental book regarding the key role that the European Court of Justice had in the creation of what is today the European Union.  Without the judges from Luxembourg and without...