Amenda record pentru producatorii si distribuitorii de carburanti din Romania / Record fine for fuel companies in Romania

Consiliul Concurentei din Romania a anuntat astazi aplicarea unei amenzi de 205 milioane EUR celor 5 companii active in sectorul producatorului si distributiei de carburanti (OMV Petrom, Rompetrol – din grupul KazMunaiGaz – MOL, Lukoil si ENI) pentru o practica concertata constand in planificarea retragerii de pe piata a benzinei cu aditivi.  Practica a avut loc in perioada 2007 – 2008 in cadrul Asociatiei Romane a Petrolului. Amenda este cea mai mare aplicata vreodata de catre Consiliul Concurentei din Romania si este singura sanctiune pentru un cartel oriziontal in industria petrolului din Europa (o sanctiune precedenta, mai redusa ca suma, din Cipru a fost anulata in instanta din motive procedurale). Amenda reprezinta 3% din cifra de afaceri totala a operatorilor economici, cea mai mare amenda fiind aplicabila OMV Petrom, liderul de piata si initiatorul cartelului.
The Romanian Competition Council announced today that it has applied a fine of 205 million EUR to the 5 petrol companies active in Romania (OMV Petrom, Rompetrol – owned by KazMunaiGaz -, MOL, Lukoil and ENI) for a concerted practice which planned the simultaneous withdrawal of the leaded gasoline from the market.  The practice took place in the period 2007-2008 within the framework of the Romanian Association of the Petrol Companies.  The fine is the largest ever applied by the Romanian Competition Council and the only sanction for a horizontal cartel in the petrol industry  in Europe (a previous but more reduced fine applied by the Cyprus competition authority has been cancelled in court for procedural reasons)  The fine represent an average of 3% of the total turnover of the petrol companies with the highest amount being applied to OMV Petrom, the incumbent petrol company, which is also the market leader and who initiated the cartel.

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